Fall 2021





Cynthia Lehew-Nehrbass (2024): A book launch party celebrating the anthology Her Path Forward: 21 Stories of Transformation and Inspiration, which includes an essay by Cindy, at ModernWell in Minneapolis.

Natalie Marino (2024): As of September 2021, Natalie is an Associate Poetry Editor for miniskirt magazine.


Nancy Canyon (2007) was a Contributing Editor for True Stories IV, from the Narrative Project, 2021.

Bernard Grant's (2016) novel-in-stories manuscript, All Hours, was longlisted for the Texas Tech University Press and Iron Horse Literary Review Prize for a First Book of Prose.

Joanna McNaney Stein's (2008) first book of nonfiction on k.d. lang's Ingenue has been accepted by Bloomsbury as part of their 33 1/3 book series. Publication is forthcoming in Fall 2023.

Jasminne Mendez (2019) has signed a contract with Dial Press to publish her middle grade novel-in-verse, Aniana del Mar Jumps In, in 2023.

John Milkereit (2016) won a Jury Prize for the poem “Gogol’s Dream During His Pilgrimage of the Holy Land” at the Friendswood Library Ekphrastic Poetry Contest, October 2021.

Preeti Parikh (2021) is Guest Poetry Editor for the Dis/placement/orientation-themed issue with Another Chicago Magazine.

Tina Schumann (2009) interviewed local author Judy Temes live at Seattle's Town Hall to discuss her new memoir Girl Left Behind. The event was streamed live and is available to view now on YouTube. Tina also now has her full collection, Praising the Paradox from Red Hen Press, available as an audiobook. The audiobook is also available via Google Play. All poems are read by the author.

Jen Soriano (2018) signed a contract with HarperCollins/Amistad for her book Nervous, a collection of lyric essays based on her RWW thesis, to be published in August 2023. Jen is also serving as the 2021-2022 Writer in Residence for Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility.