Fall 2017

Jasminne Mendez (2019) Poetry: “Dar a Luz,” Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts, October 2017; “Fathers & Sons,” “Morir Sonando,” Label Me Latino/a, Special Issue: Black and Latin@: Conceptualizing Afro-Latinidad in Afro-Latina/o Literature and Performance, Volume 7, Summer 2017; Creative Nonfiction: “Homeroom,” The Rumpus, Hiding in Plain Sight series, October 2017.
Joannie Stangeland (2019) Poetry: "Gazebo," RHINO, 2017; "Dogwood Window," Raven Chronicles, Volume 24, Winter 2017; "Tending," Carve, Summer 2017; "You and the Grasses I Love," Cumberland River Review, Volume 6-3; "Dust Dream," Beecher’s, Volume 7; "Before the First Snow," Whale Road Review, Volume 8; "In This Fluid Universe," Poetry on Buses: Your Body of Water; "Lummi Island, August," "Evening Lies Down in the Grass," "Mirror," The Wild Word, Volume 19; "Sketch in Yellow, Whether the Sky Looks Blue,” Hubbub, Volume 32, 2017; "While We Picked out Paint Chips," Switched-On Gutenberg, Volume 24; "Bending Moment," "Seismograph," "Character of Stresses by Inspection," Gyroscope Review, Volume 17-4; "Blackberry Season," The Worcester Review, Volume 38, 2017.
Kelli Russell Agodon (2007) Poetry: "Hunger," Poem-a-Day, Academy of American Poets, September 29, 2017.
Nancy Canyon (2007) Poetry: “Midnight Ventriloquism,” Nine Lives Later: A Dead Cat Anthology, Fall 2017; “Outdoor Theater Church,” Ice Cream Poems: Reflections on Life with Ice Cream, World Enough Writers Publications, 2017; "Banshees," 56 Days of August: Poetry Postcards, Five Oaks Press, August 2017.
Chelsey Clammer (2016) Essay Collection: Circadian, Red Hen Press, October 3, 2017. Essays: “Heartbeat Detected,” The Rumpus, October 12, 2017; “The (In)Voice of God,” Crab Fat Magazine, July 2017; “The Effects of Silence: Unheard Cries of Child Sexual Abuse,” The Nervous Breakdown, October 18, 2017; “Well That Was Awkward as Fuck,” The Flexible Persona, September 2017; “Letter from Editors to Writers: We Love You,” Writing & Selling Short Stories & Personal Essays, edited by Windy Lynn Harris, Writer’s Digest Books, September 2017; “Craftology,” The Tishman Review, July 2017.
Jennie Goode (2014) Book Review: “Review: Forest Under Story,” Terrain, September 15, 2017.
Bernard Grant (2016) Essays: “Cradling the Cat,” Nine Lives Later: A Dead Cat Anthology, Fall 2017; “How Libraries Help Writers,” “Navigating Lit Mags: Why and Where to Publish,” “Post MFA: PhD or Run for the Hills?,” “Prose Writer, Want to Publish a Chapbook?” The Review Review, Summer 2017.
Cate Hodorowicz (2016) Book Reviews: "The Impossible Question: Vagrants and Accidentals by Kevin Craft,” The Rumpus, June 23, 2017; "Navigating Empathy: Camille T. Dungy's Guidebook to Relative Strangers: Journeys into Race, Motherhood, and History," The Rumpus, July 21, 2017.
Alicia Hoffman (2015) Poetry: “Postcard, Wyoming,” "Praise the Land of Amnesty," Calamus Journal, Volume 11; “Sturgeon Moon,” The Penn Review, Fall 2017.
Holly Hughes (2006) Poetry: “Mind Wanting More,” “At the Teahouse, 6 am,” Poetry of Presence: An Anthology of Mindfulness Poems, Grayson Books, 2017.
Jill McCabe Johnson (2008) Poetry: “Breakaway,” “Raptor,” Page & Spine, September 2017; “Love’s Blind Contour,” The Inflectionist Review, Summer 2017.
Meagan Macvie (2014) Novel: The Ocean in My Ears, Ooligan Press, November 2017.
Carol McMahon (2016) Poetry: "Fetching Bones," "Silent Night," Claudius Speaks, Volume 3, June 2017; "Undone," Clockhouse, Volume 5, 2017. Book Review: "Reclamation and Redemption: Villain Songs by Tammy Robacker," The Rumpus, October 6, 2017.
Kay Mullen (2007) Poetry: “In Celebration of Telephone Wires,” Third Wednesday, Volume 10, Number 4, Fall 2017.
Christine Robbins (2012) Poetry: “Flight,” Poetry Northwest, Summer/Fall 2017.
Tina Schumann (2009) Anthology: Two-Countries: US Daughters & Sons of Immigrant Parents, Red Hen Press, October 2017.
Bucket Siler (2016) Fiction: “P.S. While You Were Sleeping,” Storm Cellar, Summer 2017.
Joanna McNaney Stein (2008) Essay: “Turkey Basters (and Mark Ruffalo in The Kids Are All Right) as Lesbian Fertility Folklore,” MUTHA Magazine, October 2017.
Joycelyn Trigg (2014) Poetry: “Punch,” Calyx, Volume 29, Issue 2; “Daddy’s Girl,” Minerva Rising, Issue 12; “Love Poem for Big River Beach,” “Barefoot,” Mendocino, Writers of the Mendocino Coast, Volume 5, 2017; “Family Story,” Persephone’s Daughters, Volume 3; “My Mother’s Baptism,” Noyo River Review, Volume 5. Article: "U.S. Artist Colonies: Creation Stories," World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research, Volume 73, Issue 1, 2017.
Rebecca McClanahan, Poetry: “Sacrament,” Kenyon Review, March/April 2018. Essays: “The Birthday Place,” Brevity, Fall 2017; “Erase Your Eyes,” Juxtaprose Literary Magazine, Volume 13; “The Getaway,” New Ohio Review, Fall 2017; “The New Couple in 5A,” Literal Latte, Fall 2017; “Mail,” Kenyon Review Online, December 2017; “Our God Is Too Big,” “Saturday Night and Saturday Night and Saturday Night with the Neighbors,” The Georgia Review, Winter 2017.
Brenda Miller, Essays: “The Wayward Daughter,” The Sun, Fall 2017; “The Shape of Emptiness,” Brevity, 20th Anniversary Issue, 2017; “Speaking of Sex” (in collaboration with Julie Marie Wade [former faculty]), Tupelo Quarterly, Fall 2017.