Summer 2021

Shawna Ervin (2021) accepted a position as a guest artist and mentor for Art from Ashes, a program that provides free, virtual poetry workshops for youth, ages 12-24.
Ann Bodle-Nash’s (2018) short story “Existing in a Time of Pandemic” received first place in the Skagit Valley Writers League 2021 Literary Awards for Creative Nonfiction. It will be published in an upcoming anthology in Summer 2021.
Sydney Elliott (2015) has revived the poetry journal Fireweed: Poetry of Oregon. Staff also includes RWW Creative Director, Garrett Brooks, Katrina Hays (2010), and Rachel Sandell (2022). The bi-annual publication highlights Oregon poets and hosts an archive of print issues.
Darien Hsu Gee’s (2019) collection of micro essays on identity and growing up Chinese American, ALLEGIANCE, took the Bronze in the 2021 IPPY Awards.
Bernard Grant (2016) recently earned their PhD in Creative Writing and Literature from the University of Cincinnati. The Cincinnati Review has recently published their review-of-sorts of Madeleine Ryan’s novel A Room Called Earth: “What We’re Reading: Finding Neurokin in Madeleine Ryan’s A Room Called Earth.”
Erin Coughlin Hollowell’s (2009) third book of poems has been accepted for publication in March 2023 by Salmon Poetry.
Tia M. Hudson (2013) has been reappointed to a two-year term as Poet Laureate of Bremerton, Washington, for March 2021-2023.
Jill Kandel’s (2009) second book, The Clean Daughter: A Cross-Continental Memoir, has been accepted for publication and is forthcoming in January 2022 from NDSU Press at North Dakota State University.
Lois Rosen’s (2010) chapbook Diving and Rising is available for purchase at Finishing Line Press or Amazon. Lois also received an Honorable Mention in the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards 2021 for her poem “Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair.”
Tina Schumann’s (2009) collection Praising the Paradox (Red Hen Press, 2019) was reviewed on Adrian Koesters’s (2008) blog, Dr. Bunny’s Workshop, and for Dr. Bunny’s Workshop’s Friday feature, Tina recently paid homage to the poet Lucia Perillo. Tina was also the featured reader on the Sunday live showcase Writing for Peace, hosted by RWW Alum Juniper White, and Spokane Public Radio featured her poem “For I Have Sinned.”
Molly Spencer (2017) was awarded a Summer Faculty Fellowship by the University of Michigan’s Institute for the Humanities. She’ll use the fellowship to extend and update her RWW Critical Paper on approaches to defining form in free verse poetry.
Kelli Russell Agodon’s fourth book of poems, published in April 2021, Dialogues with Rising Tides, is now available for purchase at Copper Canyon Press.
Former Faculty
Fleda Brown: Poet Jennifer Sperry Steinorth interviewed retired RWW faculty member Fleda Brown about her new book of poems, Flying Through a Hole in the Storm, winner of the Hollis Summers Prize, and published in March 2021 with Ohio University Press. They talk about poems as wormholes, poems as Picasso paintings, the prose poem as an act of desperation, and sparkly sorrow.