Summer 2021





Shawna Ervin (2021) Poetry: “Morning,” The Virginia Normal, Spring 2021.

Winston Lin (2023) Poetry: “Inhalation & Exhalation,” decomp., May 2021; “Analytic Application,” Zoetic Press, Issue 24. Book Reviews: “Diasporic Asian Magnolias: Reflections on reading Nina Mingya Powles,” The Kindling, March 2021; “Reading Serhiy Zhadan: The Poetical is Personal is Political,” EcoTheo Collective, May 2021.

Laura Rink (2021) Flash Nonfiction: “Geraniums,” Complete Sentence, April 2021.

Stuart Rose (2022) Fiction: Miss Alma May Learns to Fight, Etchings Press, May 2021.


Jenny Apostal (2020) Flash Nonfiction: “Urn,” River Teeth Journal, April 2021; “Even a Hollow Object Will Displace Water and Air,” Speculative Fiction, May 2021.

Mandy Nadyne Clark (2012) Flash Nonfiction: “Estranged,” Sunspot Literary Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2021.

Hannah Comerford (2019) Nonfiction: “Can I Keep a Deconstructed Faith?” Fathom, Issue 42; “The Family Legacy,” Fathom, Issue 41.

Katrina Hays (2010) Poetry: “The Secret Life of Public Art,” Windfall: A Journal of Poetry of Place, Spring, 2021; “Simultaneous,” Hamilton Stone Review, Issue 44, Spring 2021.

Alicia Hoffman (2015) Poetry: ANIMAL, Futurecycle Press, March 2021; “Miracles & Wonder,” West Trestle Review, Spring 2021; “You Are Browsing as a Guest,” The Lumiere Review, Spring 2021.

Erin Coughlin Hollowell (2009) Poetry: “When she pages backward,” “Solitary its completion,” and “Prime is not just the number,” EcoTheo Review, Winter 2020; “Corvus and crater,” and “History of defiance,”, March 2021; “A dissolving language,” “Erasing the words as she writes them,” and “We once believed in binomials,” Barren Magazine, Issue 18, March 2021.

Jill McCabe Johnson (2008) Poetry: “Boxed In,” Crab Creek Review, Spring 2021; “On the Bus,” Passengers Journal, Volume 2, Issue 5.

Joanna Manning (2007) Nonfiction: “Let it Go,” Tahoma Literary Review, Spring 2021.

Gerry McFarland (2011) Poetry: Gunner, Wandering Aengus Press, 2021.

Lois Rosen (2010) Poetry: Diving and Rising (a chapbook), Finishing Line Press, Spring, 2021; “Strawberries of 2020,” Windfall, Spring 2021; “Hunger,” Poetica Magazine, Spring 2021; “Strudel,” Why to These Rocks (50 Years of Poems from the Community of Writers), Heyday, 2021; “Fogged and Unfogged, Small Victories, Lexicon of Words and Phrases Previously Unused in My Poems” and “The Solace of Geraniums,” Pan de Mik 2020: An Anthology of Pandemic Poems, Spring 2021.

Tina Schumann (2009) Poetry: “Dear Public Restrooms in the Hospital Lobby” and “Letter of Recommendation,” Tulsa Review, 2021.

Bucket Siler (2016) Fiction: “Crush,” The Offing, April 2021.