Spring 2024





Carolyn Holthoff (2025) has been granted a residency at Hedgebrook for Spring 2024.

antmen pimentel mendoza's (2025) poem “Figure 1, Before you wake up…” was nominated for Best of the Net 2024 by A Velvet Giant.

Janna Wagner (2025) won The Letter Review prize in fiction for “In Search of Omega” and in poetry for “The Great Disappointment,” the latter of which was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Janna was also nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Yellow Arrow Publishing for her essay “Sun City.” 


Nancy Canyon (2007): Nancy read at the “Women's Bodies, Women’s Words” event at Ferndale Library on March 6, 2024.

Summer Christiansen (2023) was appointed to the board of 49 Writers.

Katie Duane’s (2023) essay “Equations for a Falling Body” was the winner of Terrain.org's 14th Annual Contest in Nonfiction.

Jill McCabe Johnson’s (2008) poetry collection Tangled in Vow & Beseech was named a finalist for the Sally Albiso and Wheelbarrow Books Poetry Awards, March 2024.

John Milkereit’s (2016) poetry collection Lost Sonnets for My Unvaccinated Lover was nominated for an Eric Hoffer Award by Kelsay Books.

Preeti Parikh (2021) received an Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award for Poetry in February 2024.

Tina Schumann (2009) was chosen by poet Dorianne Laux as a finalist in the 2023 Catamaran Literary Reader Poetry Prize for West Coast poets for her full collection Boneyard Heresies. The collection also won the 2023 Moon City Press Poetry Award. Tina was also named a runner-up in the Missouri Review’s 33rd Annual Jeffrey E. Smith Editors’ Award.

Lynette Vialet (2022) was accepted for the Jentel Artist Residency in March 2024.


Wendy Call published two trilingual books of poetry in translation in January 2024. How to Be a Good Savage and Other Poems (Milkweed), by Mikeas Sánchez and cotranslated with Shook, was excerpted in Latin American Literature Today and Orion and reviewed in Asymptote, Booklist (starred review), New York Times Book Review, and World Literature Today. Nostalgia Doesn’t Flow Away Like Riverwater (Deep Vellum), by Irma Pineda, was reviewed in Words Without Borders and excerpted on Lit Hub. Wendy also had poem translations by these two poets, and three others, from Colombia, El Salvador, and Nicaragua, in the anthology Daughters of Latin America (HarperCollins, 2023).

Lola Haskins’s fourteenth book of poetry, Homelight, published by Charlotte Lit Press, has been named 2023 Poetry Book of the Year by Southern Literary Review.