Fall 2022

Summer Christiansen (2023) Nonfiction: “A Ritual of Control,” Rituals Anthology, Bell Press Anthologies, November 2022.
Amy Cook (2025) Nonfiction: “Clipping In,” Spoonie Press, August 2022; “Upside Down: (Three, Two, One),” From the Waist Down: the Body in Healthcare, Papeachu Press, July 2022; “Marie’s,” Arriving at a Shoreline, great weather for MEDIA, August 2022; “We,” Jewish Literary Journal, October 2022.
Katie Duane (2023) Nonfiction: "Basalt,” Permafrost Magazine, September 2022.
Elissa Favero (2024) Book Review: “Nostalgia, by Mircea Cărtărescu,” Witty Partition, July 2022.
Liz Kingsley (2025) Poetry: “My Dog,” Sweet: A Literary Confection, August 2022.
Eric Lochridge (2025) Poetry: “Solitude,” Moist Poetry Journal, October 2022.
antmen pimentel mendoza (2025) Poetry: “Toward a Place in the World (Featuring the Queen of Wands’ Pet Cat) or a Poem in Which the Only Italicized Words Are a Joke About a Diana Ross Song,” Gigantic Sequins, Issue 13, August 2022; “Figure 1: Before you wake up…,” A Velvet Giant, Issue 8, Fall 2022.
Dawn Terpstra (2025) Poetry: “Midlife Selfie with Marriage” and “Mare with Hoarfrost,” Flint Hills Review, Issue 27, 2022; “Mother’s Hand,” Snapdragon: A Journal of Art and Healing, Issue 8.2, Summer 2022; “please love,” Conestoga Zen, Vol. 2; “Ascension with Bees,” “To a New Mother,” and “Stone Flower,” Monterey Poetry Review, Fall 2022; “Finger of God,” Lyrical Iowa, 2022; “Grandmother’s Vanity,” North Dakota Quarterly, 89.3/4.
Ann Bodle-Nash (2018) Nonfiction: “Loss is Loss,” Skagit River Anthology II, October 2022.
Nancy Canyon (2007) Fiction: “Beach Walk,” Cephalopod Anthology, 2022. Poetry: “Rocket Bird,” Poetry Marathon Anthology, 2022.
Lisa Morin Carcia (2018) Poetry: “Time Travel,” Eunoia Review, 12 October 2022; “Toymaker,” Eunoia Review, 13 October 2022; “A Deep-Sea Blessing for Bedtime” and “Western Water Song,” Sheila-Na-Gig online, Volume 7.1, Fall 2022.
Mandy Nadyne Clark (2012) Flash Fiction: “Amicable,” Prose Online, June 2022; “Falsehoods,” Necessary Fiction, August 2022; “The Story You Tell Strangers,” Every Day Fiction, September 2022.
Hannah Comerford (2019) Interview: “If grace is true, then everybody gets to flourish: An interview with Kevin Nye, author of Grace Can Lead Us Home,” Fathom, Pursuit issue, September 2022.
Kate Carroll de Gutes (2010) Nonfiction: “Swimming Lessons for the Permeable Fish,” Mountain Bluebird Magazine, September 2022.
Alicia Hoffman (2015) Poetry: "Liner Notes,” Rise Up Review, July 2022; "Clickbait," Atticus Review, August 2022.
Katie Humphries (2021) Fiction: “Engagement,” NiftyLit, Issue #1, June 2022.
John Milkereit (2016) Poetry: “The Tree Nurtures Life with My Unvaccinated Lover,” “I Pursue Dance Lessons with My Unvaccinated Lover,” “I Want to Stand with My Unvaccinated Lover,” and “The Stubborn Pursuit of Pleasure with My Unvaccinated Lover,” The Ekphrastic Review, July, August, and September 2022; “Memorandum,” “Memorandum,” “Traveling on Fire,” and “Cento: What Kind of Fuckery Is This?,” Equinox Journal, Issue 3, September 2022; “American Epic,” Abandoned Mine, Issue 3, August 2022.
Preeti Parikh (2021) Micro Essay: “Manifesto for the Dreamland,” Nonwhite and Woman: 131 Micro Essays on Being in the World, edited by Darien Hsu Gee and Carla Crujido, Woodhall Press, September 2022. Poetry: “Corpus | Kapaas | कपास,” Zócalo Public Square, July 2022.
Ann Whitfield Powers (2007) Nonfiction: “The Fortune of All Womankind,” Dorothy Parker's Ashes, September 2022.
Joannie Stangeland (2019) Poetry: “Regarding Hollyhocks,” Cumberland River Review, July 2022; “After the Concert” and “Scenes Skirting the Edge,” North Dakota Quarterly, October 2022.
Anita Sullivan (2008) Poetry: Original Flamboyance, Shanti Arts Publishers, October 2022.
Aldric Ulep (2022) Poetry: “Translations from Máximas Morales en ilocano y castellano para uso de los niños, Anonymous, 1903,” Bamboo Ridge, Issue #122 Snaring the Sun, 2022.
Cameron Walker (2008) Fiction: “How to Capture Carbon,” Five South Journal, Issue 5, Fall 2022. Flash Fiction: “The Rattlers,” Stranged Writing: A Literary Taxonomy, October 2022.
torrin a. greathouse, Poetry: “Cripple Sex Manifesto” and “Elegy for Craigslist Personals,” The Hopkins Review, August 2022; “While Researching the Etymology of Punk, I Discover a Creation Myth Stitched into the Liner Notes,” “Ekphrasis on Nude Selfie as Portrait of Saint Sebastian,” “There’s No Trace of the Word ‘Transgender’ in Adrienne Rich’s Biography,” and “On Distortion,” Poetry magazine, November 2022. Interview: “A Writer’s Insight: torrin a. greathouse,” The Southern Review blog, August 2022.