Fall/Winter 2024

Ronda Piszk Broatch’s (2025) poem, “Refuge,” was the winner of the Cloudbank 18 Poetry Prize.
Amy Cook’s (2025) essay, "Days of Consequence," was a finalist in the Tablet Magazine First Personal Essay Contest, July 2024.
Dawn Terpstra’s (2025) poem, “(un) yielding,” came in Third Place for the Lucille Morgan Wilson Award in The Lyrical Iowa Annual Poetry Competition, Oct. 1, 2024.
Bernard Grant (2016) is now represented by Madison Smartt Bell of Ayesha Pande Literary Agency.
Paul Goudarzi-Fry's (2022) poem, “Abandon” was a finalist for Poetry International's 2023 C.P. Cavafy Prize.
Bonita Lini Markowski’s (2023) poem “Night Fishing” was chosen for Poetry in Transit, Luzerne County, PA, an award-winning program that displays poems on Luzerne County buses, August, 2024.
Preeti Parikh's (2021) manuscript, “Integumentary,” was a finalist in the 2024 National Poetry Series competition.
Tina Schumann’s (2009) poems, “Catastrophizing: A Love Story,” “Inquiry. Origin,” “In the Beginning,” “Learning to Fall,” “Self-Portrait as Central Conceit,” “To Whom It May Concern,” were all finalists in the Missouri Review Jeffery E. Smith Editors Prize.
Katherine (Van Eddy) Dizon's (2021) chapbook, Somehow, here, will be published in February 2025 by Finishing Line Press.
Kelli Russell Agodon's (2007 & Faculty) manuscript, Accidental Devotions, was accepted for publication by Copper Canyon Press and will be published in 2026.
Wendy Call gave a reading at the University of Chicago as part of Chicago's Lit & Luz Literary Festival, October 29th 2024; was interviewed in Full Stop; has an essay coming out in Exchanges: A Journal of Literary Translation.
Greg Glazner (Faculty 2006–2022) released an album of poetry and complex rock music to stream on all major platforms with his band Clap the Houses Dark and performed it live on the release date of November 4, 2024.
Brian Teare read his poem “Doomstead Days” and was interviewed on the September 23rd, 2024 episode of Chrysalis Podcast.